EZÚ offers services for:
- Electric cars and electric buses
- Electric bikes (on-road and off-road)
- Charging sources
- Charging stations (commercial and home)
- Cables, plugs and others

František Jandura
Product Manager
Direct support for these services
Premium product
For increasing the product attractiveness, competitiveness on the market and sales support
EZÚ offers the following services for the correct introduction of products to the market:
- Conducting tests of electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility a RoHS
- Issuing of test reports
- Issuing the E8 homologation certificate
- Issuing the EZÚ certificate (for charging stations and accessories)
- Preparation for the EC Declaration of Conformity (for charging stations and accessories)
- Evaluation of technical documentation
We also offer:
- Tests of environmental effects – ingress protection, noise, climatic tests
Vehicles can only be introduced to the market in the Czech Republic after being approved by the Ministry of Transport. For approval of specified products, a homologation certificate that has been issued by an authorized and accredited laboratory either in the Czech Republic or abroad must be submitted.
Homologation of road electric vehicles
- in accordance with the UN ECE regulation no. ECE 100, ECE R 10.04
- verification of vehicle components in terms of their structural and functional safety
- vehicle categories M and N with a maximum design speed exceeding 25 km/h that are equipped with one or more electric motors
- motors or their parts are not permanently connected to the electric grid and high-voltage systems are not galvanically connected to the high-voltage bus of the electric distribution system
The following parameters are verified in accordance with the ECE 100 regulation:
- Electric strength
- Insulating state
- Protection against contact with live parts
- Charging and discharging properties
The following parameters are verified in accordance with the ECE R 10.04 regulation:
- Electromagnetic compatibility in the field of radiation (for the entire vehicle and individual components)
- Electromagnetic compatibility in the field of endurance (for the entire vehicle and individual components)
Before commencing tests, the electric car must be in good technical condition and is required to have covered at least 300 km during the last seven days before the test. During this time period, the vehicle must be equipped with a traction battery, which is subject to tests for hydrogen emissions.
Charging stations
If a company manufactures products that it wants to sell in the Czech Republic or the EU (i.e. to introduce products to the market), it must comply with provisions of the Act no. 90/2016 Coll. on Technical Requirements for Products. A product can only be introduced to the market if it is safe and it has the appropriate documentation, i.e.:
- Meets the requirements of EU regulations for the properties of the product
- Procedures for the evaluation of conformity specified in these regulations have been applied
Only the manufacturer alone (applies to products manufactured and sold in the EU) is responsible for ensuring that it only such products to the market which meet these requirements.
A product, which is introduced to the market of any EU state, is simultaneously introduced to the common market of all EU countries. It can be freely supplied / distributed from this member state to other EU states, without technical barriers. Certain member states may have set down specific requirements by a regulation, for instance concerning accompanying product documentation.
Accessories for electromobility
At present, multiple systems are used for connecting a vehicle to a charging station around the world. A suitable system for global use is being discussed in international workgroups with the intense participation of EZÚ.
The Act no. 56/2001 Coll., on Conditions for the Operation of Vehicles on Roads The UN ECE homologation regulation no. ECE 100 – Homologation of vehicles in terms of special requirements for electric motors The UN ECE homologation regulation no. ECE R 10.04 – Electromagnetic compatibility The ČSN EN 61581-1 Charging systems of electric vehicles by conductive connection The Act no. 90/2016 Coll., as amended and related Government Directives: The Government Directive 118/2016 Coll. defining technical requirements for low-voltage electric equipment.
The Government Directive 117/2016 Coll. on technical requirements for products in terms of their electromagnetic compatibility.
The Government Directive no. 481/2012 Coll. on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electric and electronic equipment.