CE certificate
The CE Certificate is an independent verification of the evaluation of product conformity with the requirements of respective government directives performed by the manufacturer. By issuing a CE Certificate, the Electrotechnical Testing Institute declares that the manufacturer performed the process of evaluating conformity properly and can issue an EU Declaration of Conformity.
The Electrotechnical Testing Institute is authorized in accordance with the Act no. 90/2016 Coll. on Technical Requirements for Products for the evaluation of conformity for the following Government Directives:
- 118/2016 Coll. defining technical requirements for low-voltage electric equipment.
- 117/2016 Coll. on the technical requirements for products in terms of their electromagnetic compatibility
- 163/2002 Coll. defining technical requirements for construction products
- 55/2015 Coll. defining technical requirements for active implantable medical devices
We can thus issue a CE Certificate for these government directives.
What does the CE Certificate offer?
- Guarantee of independent verification – increasing trust in relation to business partners
- Assurance in relation to market supervisory authorities – evaluation of conformity using EZÚ services will not be questioned
- Completion of the process of preparing documentation for the issue of an EU Declaration of Conformity
- Cost savings on own equipment necessary to conduct the required tests
Contact person

Ing. Vlastislav Filgas
Head of Trade Department

Ing. Vlastislav Filgas
Head of Trade Department

Ing. Jiří Výška
Product Manager

František Jandura
Product Manager

Ing. Josef Malý
Product Manager