Tests of electromagnetic compatibility – EMC
Tests of electromagnetic compatibility – EMC
Electromagnetic compatibility means the ability of an electrical device to avoid interference with other electrical devices and to resist interference from them. The emission of electromagnetic radiation is a common characteristic of all electrical devices; it must not however exceed the permitted level.
Every electrical device can be subjected to tests of electromagnetic compatibility in accordance with the entire standard or in accordance with its individual articles. These tests are not only an integral part of the development of new products, but are also absolutely essential when a new product is introduced to the market.
We offer tests of electromagnetic compatibility in accordance with Czech and international technical standards or in accordance with the client’s technical requirements. Test reports can be used as the basis for the preparation of the EU Declaration of conformity as well as an EU Declaration.
The EMC laboratory offers the following tests:
- Measurement of conducted interference in the bandwidth 9 kHz to 130 MHz in various types of artificial networks, including the measurement of motor vehicle accessories.
- Tests of resistance to groups of transient impulses.
- Measurement of radiated interference in the bandwidth 9 kHz to 18 GHz.
- Tests of resistance to a surge wave.
- Measurement of radiated power in the bandwidth 30 to 1000 MHz.
- Tests of resistance to conducted high frequency interference.
- Frequency analysis in the bandwidth 2 Hz to 22.5 GHz./li>
- Tests of resistance to high frequency electromagnetic fields with various types of modulation.
- Measurement of effects on the network (harmonic, flicker).
- Tests of resistance to fluctuation and outages of supply voltage.
- Measurement of magnetic fields
- Tests of resistance to magnetic fields.
- Tests of resistance to static electricity discharge.
- Tests of resistance to magnetic field pulses.

František Jandura
Product Manager
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Why to do tests at EZÚ?
- Guarantee of independent verification – increasing trust in relation to business partners
- Use of state-of-the-art testing equipment
- Expert experience of the coordinator of authorized persons in the EMC field authorized by the state
- Professionalism of personnel
- Internationally recognized test results
Tests of electromagnetic compatibility are an integral part of the set of tests necessary to introduce a product to the market / issue a Declaration of Conformity and are required by the Government Directive no. 116/2016 Coll. on Technical Requirements for Products in terms of their electromagnetic compatibility and the Government Directive 426/2016 Coll. on Technical Requirements for Radio and Telecommunications End Devices