CCA certificate
CCA certificate

The CCA system is the European equivalent of the global IECEE-CB system. It is an agreement concerning the recognition of test results carried out in accordance with European EN or, for electrical safety, HD standards, which allows the acquisition of a mark for a product from any member of the CCA agreement based on the issued CCA certificate. Its members are the leading certification bodies of EC countries and other countries in the European area.
The CCA certificate (or more precisely notification of test results ), along with a test report issued by EZÚ, is accepted by the testing facilities of all member countries of this system, and thus significantly facilitates the acquisition of the certificates and marks of foreign testing facilities, as the manufacturer only needs to undergo the whole testing procedure once.
The CCA system covers the following product categories
- safety transformers
- appliances for household and commercial use
- electrical medical instruments
- electrical hand tools
- installation material and connection components
- installation protective devices
- cables and conductors
- measurement and laboratory instruments
- switching devices
- switches for appliances and automatic switches
- consumer electronics
- luminaires and their components
- computer and office technology
What does the CCA certificate offer?
- the CCA certificate allows you to obtain the ESČ mark, without further tests, which is known among experts and the general public as the symbol of a safe product
- cost and time savings if you export goods to member states of the system, and not only to them
- after obtaining the certificate, you can obtain other internationally valid certificates CB, and ENEC on completion of supplementary tests
- based on the CCA certificate, you can easily obtain other marks of the members of this system
- the manufacturer has the basis for the issue of a Declaration of Conformity both in accordance with the Act no. 22/97 Coll. (Government Directive no. 118/2016 Coll.) and in accordance with EC directives (the Directive no. 2006/95/EC) – CE Marking. Thus, together with tests of electromagnetic compatibility, the requirements of the respective European Directives and Czech Government Directives for electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility are met. In the context of the issue of the CCA certificate, a draft of the Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the Government Directive no. 118/2016 Coll. can be prepared for the customer free of charge on request.
The CCA Certificate can be obtained in accordance with the international standards of the EEPCA system.
The current list of standards can be found HERE.
Procedure for obtaining the CCA certificate:
on the customer’s side:
1. Ordering product certification within the CCA system. Certification can be ordered using our standard order form, by mail, fax or e-mail. If the order is not sent directly by the product manufacturer, you must send the original of the manufacturer’s consent for the execution of tests for CCA certification and authorization for representation by the entity ordering this service from EZÚ.
2. Sending basic technical information about the product:
- technical description
- electric wiring diagrams
- technical drawings
- production type plate
- list of all electric components divided as follows: kind, type, technical characteristics, testing standard used and testing organization
- certificates or records of tests of critical electric components (switches, capacitors, power supply units, transformers etc.) performed by accredited parties
- operation manuals
3. Sending a sample (samples) of the product
4. Sending the manufacturer’s full address
5. Sending information about the production quality system and its inspections
on the side of EZÚ:
- Sending an EZÚ contract for certification containing all particulars (the standards certification will be based on, deadline, price, required documents)
- execution of tests after confirmation of the contract and fulfillment of all requirements on the customer’s part
- issuing the CAA certificate, incl. the test report after their successful completion. These documents are issued in English
Procedure for obtaining a license to use the CCA-EMC mark:
on the customer’s side:
1. Ordering tests and product certification for obtaining a license to use the CCA-EMC mark. Certification can be ordered using our standardized order form, by mail, fax or e-mail. If the order is not sent directly by the product manufacturer, you must send the original of the manufacturer’s consent for the execution of tests for CCA-EMC certification and authorization for representation by the entity ordering this service from EZÚ.
2. Sending basic technical information about the product:
- technical description
- electric wiring diagrams
- technical drawings
- production type plate
- list of all electric components divided as follows: kind, type, technical characteristics, testing standard used and testing organization
- certificates or records of tests by accredited parties for critical electric components – switches, capacitors, power supply units, transformers etc.
- operation manuals
3. Sending a sample (samples) of the product
4. Sending the manufacturer’s full address
on the side of EZÚ:
1. Sending an EZÚ contract for certification containing all particulars (the standards certification will be based on, deadline, price, required documents)
2. Execution of tests after confirmation of the contract and fulfillment of all requirements on the customer’s part
3. Issuing the CCA-EMC license certificate, incl. the test report after the successful completion of tests. These documents are issued in English.