Calibration of meters
Calibration of meters
Metrology is a field that significantly affects the quality of products and services. EZÚ offers calibration of work meters and gages in its capacity as the calibration laboratory no. 2294, accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025, and authorized by the Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing as a center for calibration services according to the Metrology Act. We carry out calibration in our own laboratory and also off-site on our customers’ premises.
Scope of meter calibration:
Electric quantities | |
DC voltage | 0 to 100 kV |
AC voltage | 0,1 mV to 100 kV |
amplitude of impulse voltage | 1,8 mV to 30 kV |
impulse rise time | from 0,7 ns |
impulse duration time | 2 ns to 5 s |
direct current | 5 pA to 1000 A |
alternating current | 1 mA to 1000 A |
DC resistance | 0.1 mΩ to 100 TΩ |
AC resistance | 0.1 Ω to 100 kΩ |
AC resistance | 1 mΩ to 100 kΩ |
module of impedance | 1 mΩ to 100 kΩ |
low-frequency power | 10 mW to 21 kW |
power factor | 0 to 1 |
AC resistance | 0.1 Ω to 100 kΩ |
capacity | 1 pF to 100 µF |
loss coefficient of capacity | 0 to 1.6 |
inductivity | 0.1 mH to 10 H |
high-frequency power | 20 pW to 200 mW |
rebound factor module | 0 to 1 |
Types of calibrated meters
- analog and digital voltmeters, ammeters, tong ammeters and multimeters
- power supply units and voltage and current calibrators, high-voltage sources, electrostatic field meters
- meters of low resistance, insulation resistance, inspection devices
- gage resistances and resistance decades
- watt meters
- analog and digital oscilloscopes, impulse and signal generators, other devices calibrated by the measurement of high-frequency power and rebound factor
- RLC meters and gages
Light quantities | |
luminance | 1 cd to 10000 cd |
light flow | 50 lm to 10000 lm |
chromatic temperature | 2000 K to 2900 K |
illumination | 1 lx to 50000 lx |
brightness | 5 cd/m2 to 500 cd/m2 |
Types of calibrated meters
- light gages, light flow and chromaticism temperature
- timers
Temperature | |
Range | -50 °C to 420 °C |
Types of calibrated meters
- electronic thermometers
- temperature chamber thermometers
Time and frequency quantities | |
frequency | 0,1 Hz to 3 GHz |
time interval | 5 ns to 100000 s |
speed | 30 min-1 to 10000 min-1 |
Types of calibrated meters
- counters, generators
- stopwatches
- revolution counters

Jan Holub
Product Manager
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Why use the services of the EZÚ calibration laboratory?
- Quick and precise execution of calibration
- Guarantee of independent verification – increasing trust in relation to business partners
Compliance with legislative requirements for products subject to metrological verification
Related services
Related services
- The Metrology Act no. 505/1990 Coll. defines the rights and obligations of physical persons – entrepreneurs, legal entities and public administration authorities in the scope necessary to ensure the consistency and accuracy of meters and measurements.
- The Decree no. 345/2002 Coll. specifies meters that are subject to compulsory verification and meters subject to type approval. The annex of this Decree contains a list of meters (photometers are under item no. 5.1.2 with 2-year validity of verification).
- The Decree no. 65/2006 Coll., amends the Ministry of Industry and Trade Decree no. 345/2002 Coll., defining meters subject to compulsory verification and meters subject to type approval.
- Verification can be carried out for approved types of photometers and for specific devices that are already in use at the time of the announcement of specified meters (the Decree no. 345/2002 Coll. of July 11, 2002)