EZÚ became a member of the system for the homologation of motor vehicle accessories in accordance with the regulations of the UN Economic Commission for Europe

EZÚ was a founding member of the European Certification System CEE

The beginning of the 1960’s brought EZÚ an opportunity for systematic involvement in international cooperation. In 1961, the institute joined the system for the homologation of motor vehicle lighting accessories in accordance with the regulations of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. Within this system, EZÚ issues homologations with the right to use the E8 mark on homologated products. In 2004, this system was supplemented by its European branch in which products are assessed in accordance with relevant EC technical regulations and the Ministry of Transport grants them the E8 homologation mark.

In 1961, the institute also joined the CEE European system for conducting tests of electric safety, which was subsequently transformed into the existing and very successful IECEE – CB system under which tests are carried out in accordance with International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards.

In the second half of the 20th century virtually all industrially advanced countries used obligatory national systems to approve products before their introduction to the market in their country. International certificates served as a tool to prevent duplicate testing of products and to facilitate their entry to national markets.

This was also the case in Czechoslovakia, where in 1968 the state system of test procedures was established by Act no. 30/68 Coll. on State Testing. The Act was very progressive for its time as it covered the entire field in a comprehensive way and also introduced the evaluation of products, which represented, in a state controlled market, a tool for manufacturers to compare their products to foreign competitors and thus a certain motivation for improvement.