ISO 45001
The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHS MS) enables the implementation of an efficient management system with the capability of minimizing OHS risks. The identification of risks that affect OHS, their evaluation as OHS risks with a determination of their significance and then management of these safety risks, monitoring and continuous improvement are the key requirements of the ČSN OHSAS 45001 standard (OHSAS – Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification).
In practice, this means managing the organization in such a way as to minimize OHS risks. The stricter requirements of legal and other regulations and the requirements of various involved parties in the OHS field are issues that must be resolved by management within the company’s business activities.
Certification in accordance with the ČSN OHSAS 45001:2018 (based on an international specification focused on OHS MS) is applicable in any organization, namely in all areas of production or provided services. The ČSN OHSAS 45001:2018 standard is a standard with a consistent process orientation and application of Deming’s “PDCA” principle.
Certification of the OHS MS is objective evidence through which the owners and management of a certified organization confirm to their owners, employees, customers and other involved parties that they not only assume responsibility for OHS, but also declare fulfillment of their commitment that applied principles in behavior and approach to OHS are an integral part of business.
Today, certification in accordance with ČSN OHSAS 45001:2018 is essential in many fields of business. Certificates are required in business relationships, in the context of tendering procedures not only in supplier chains. Fulfillment of the requirements of the ČSN OHSAS 18001 standard is also the basis for certain branch/professional certifications.
Contact person

Petra Berková
Product Manager