Homologation E8
Properties of motor vehicles, their parts and accessories that may affect road traffic safety are governed by the Act no. 56/2001 Coll., as amended, in the Czech Republic. The above products can only be introduced to the market in the Czech Republic after being approved by the Ministry of Transport. For approval, a homologation certificate that has been issued by an authorized laboratory either in the Czech Republic or abroad must be submitted.
The Electrotechnical Testing Institute is a laboratory approved by the Ministry of Transport to carry out homologation tests according to the regulations of the UN Economic Commission for Europe since 1961. Homologated products may be marked with the homologation mark E in a circle (the E8 mark has been assigned for the Czech Republic, which is awarded through EZÚ), which designates the continuing compliance of product properties with relevant ECE homologation regulations.
The Ministry of Transport checks continuing compliance by carrying out regular tests and inspections at the manufacturing site control tests through the EZÚ. Once homologation is granted in the Czech Republic, no further certification or testing is required in member states of the system or many other states.
Contact person

František Jandura
Product Manager