EPD certification
An evaluation of conformity with the requirements of the Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and the Council establishing a framework for setting eco-design requirements for products includes, besides an assessment of environmental management systems in accordance with the ČSN ISO 14001 and validation of environmental declarations (EMAS III) – the Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and the Council, an assessment of the impacts of specific electrical, engineering and construction products on the environment in the form of an assessment of the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in accordance with the ČSN ISO 14025.
What is an Environmental Product Declaration?
The Environmental Product Declaration – EPD is a set of measurable information about the impact of a product (goods or service) on the environment in the course of its whole life cycle (e.g. energy and water consumption, waste generation, impact on climate change, eutrophication, disruption of the ozone layer, etc.) This information is collected using the life cycle analysis (LCA) method in accordance with the ČSN ISO 14040-49 standards and can be supplemented with various further data that is considered important. The document (EPD) with this data must be publicly accessible and the data contained therein must be verifiable. This is therefore a detailed certificate of the product about its impact on the environment.
The entire process from preparation of the EPD, verification and its certification is defined by the international ČSN ISO 14025 standard. The EPD is prepared on the basis of PCR – Product Category Rules.
The completed Environmental Product Declaration must also undergo verification of whether its contents and format comply with prescribed preparation methodology. It can then be officially registered with authorization to use the EPD logo (in this case the Green Yardstick) and published in a publicly accessible database on the Internet, which is thus a source of scientifically verified information about the impact of products on the environment and enables their mutual comparison.
Contact person

Mgr. Alena Hrušková
Certification Body Officer