Qualification documents
Search results
Calibration laboratory – certificate of accreditation no. 90_2024 (czech only).pdf
Certification of management systems – certificate of accreditation no. 377_2024 (czech only).pdf
Certification of management systems – certificate of accreditation no. 701_2024 (czech only).pdf
Inspection body – certificate of accreditation no. 648-2023 (czech only).pdf
List of Activities within the Flexible Scope of Accreditation.pdf
Product certification – certificate of accreditation no. 522_2023.pdf.pdf
Testing laboratory – certificate of accreditation no. 129_2024.pdf
Annexes to accreditation certificates
Annex to certificate no. 129_2024.pdf
Annex to certificate no. 48_2023 (czech only).pdf
Annex to certificate no. 522_2023.pdf
Annex to certificate no. 560_2021.pdf
Annex to certificate no. 701_2024 (czech only).pdf
Annex to certificate no. 90_2024 (czech only).pdf
EZÚ authorizations
Decision on authorization for activities in the evaluation and verification of the stability of the properties of construction products (czech only).pdf
Decision on authorization for construction products bearing the CE mark (czech only).pdf
Decision on authorization for products in terms of their electromagnetic compatibility (czech only).pdf
EZÚ authorizations - external links
EZÚ credential documents
Authorization for certification of the operability of gambling slot machines (czech only) .pdf
Authorization to conduct tests of motor vehicles, their systems, parts and separate assemblies in accordance with EC technical regulations for issuing EC type approval certificates no. 9:2005 (czech only).pdf
Authorization to perform certification in the context of public administration information systems (czech only).pdf
Certificate of acceptance of EZÚ as a certification body in the IECEE-CB system (in English only).pdf
Certificate of acceptance of EZÚ as a testing laboratory in the IECEE-CB system (in English only).pdf
Certificate of the adoption of the Certified IT Services quality mark in the Czech Quality program (czech only).pdf
Certificate of the adoption of the ESČ Quality mark in the Czech quality program (czech only).pdf
Certificate of the adoption of the Quality and Safe Erection quality mark in the Czech Quality program (czech only).pdf
Certification by the EEPCA European Electrical Product Certification Association for the certification of ENEC, CCA, HAR and CCA-EMC systems.pdf
License to use CTN and Center of Technical Standardization designations (czech only).pdf